Environmental & Sustainability Consulting Blog | RMA

How much do environmental training courses cost?

Written by Dennis Ruhlin | Sep 30, 2021

Find out how much you should expect to pay for online environmental training courses

If you're considering using an online training course as opposed to an in-person classroom-style setting for your next environmental training, one of your first questions is probably going to be: "how much is this going to cost me?" Understandably, you don't want to incur unnecessary expenses or spend more than is necessary. Finding out how much environmental training courses cost can help you to better determine if this is the right option for your company or organization.

If cost is a concern for you, be sure to compare the costs of environmental training courses with the costs of hiring an outside expert to come in and provide in-person instruction for you. You may be surprised to find that an online environmental training course can actually cost less than hiring someone in person!

So, how much do online courses actually cost?

Unfortunately, this isn't a straightforward, one-size-fits-all answer. The cost of an online course can vary greatly and depends on many variables. As a general rule of thumb, the cost of online courses can range anywhere between $25 and upwards of $1,000 per person. Our online environmental training courses usually fall right around the middle of this range and typically cost between $50 and $200 per person (before any bulk license discounts).

As we just mentioned, there are lots of variables that impact the price you'll pay for online environmental training. And, like anything in life, cheaper doesn't necessarily mean better! Some of the main factors that affect the cost of online environmental training courses are:

Environmental Expertise & Knowledge

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the amount of knowledge and proficiency the course developer has will impact the price you’ll pay for online environmental training. Generally, a course developed by those with more expertise and experience dealing with environmental regulations will cost more than courses developed by less experienced environmental professionals.

Training Course Features

One of the greatest advantages of online environmental training courses is that they typically include lots of features to keep learners engaged and entertained, leading to a more effective learning experience. Not every online training course is created equally, though. Online environmental training courses that offer interactive content, knowledge checks like quizzes and role-playing scenarios, guided video or audio narration from an instructor, certificates of completion, sample forms and other outside resources, etc., will usually cost more than basic courses with fewer features.

Included Content and Training Course Length

It goes without saying that the price of an online environmental training course will depend on the amount of information covered and the length of the course. Shorter courses with less information are typically cheaper, while longer courses with more information are usually more expensive. A word of caution - shorter courses usually aren't better! Unless they're specifically for a short-term requirement or refresher training, we recommend taking a longer course if it better meets your needs, even if that means it's more expensive. After all, the whole reason you're taking training is to learn - so don't skimp on the content!

Number of Trainees

Since online courses typically charge per person, one of the biggest factors contributing to the price that you’ll pay is the number of people that you are looking to train. The more people you want to train, the higher your course cost. Some environmental training courses offer bulk discounts that can save you money if you're planning on training many members of your staff. If you'd like to inquire about a bulk discount for one of the environmental training courses we offer, reach out to us!

What you get for your money with an online environmental training course

When you buy an online course, the price includes all of the associated educational material for your team to use. A huge selling point for online courses is that you'll receive all of your training in a neat, organized online package that you can use whenever it's convenient for you to do so. You should receive a full set of materials for each participant that typically includes:

  • Training presentations and supporting media like videos, photographic examples, illustrations and graphics, guided narrations, etc.
  • Supporting documents such as fact sheets, outside resources, examples of forms, etc.
  • Knowledge checks, quizzes, and real-world role-playing scenarios to ensure understanding of key concepts and topics
  • A certificate of completion to provide proof that the staff member has completed the course

Where you save money with an online environmental training course

Online environmental training courses often cost less than traditional in-person training sessions. This is typically the result of not needing to hire a professional to instruct the training in person, which usually requires you to pay them for their time, travel, lodging, etc.

One of the biggest areas that you'll save is not needing to pay an instructor for multiple sessions. It's very possible that some employees miss the training session for various reasons - sick leave, vacation, multiple locations that are far from each other, etc. In this case, you'll need to pay the instructor for their time, travel, etc. a second time to come back and train the employees who missed the first session. Using an online environmental training course can save you money in not needing to schedule multiple in-person sessions, as everyone will be able to access the material when it's convenient for them.

Finally, is the value of your time. While it's possible that you could find a professional instructor to deliver a training session for less money than an online environmental training course would cost, your time isn't free! You'll need to select a trainer, correspond with them on dates, make sure the schedule works for your staff, document the training, and more! When you use an online environmental training course, you can spend more of your valuable time focusing on more important tasks, knowing that the training will be provided for your staff members. It's very possible that your time organizing an in-person session alone could cost you more than an online course would - not to mention the additional time and resources it'll require from others on your staff!

Where can I find environmental training courses?

We've been conducting in-person environmental training for over 30 years across the world. We've seen and done it all. Now, we're bringing our environmental training expertise online!

We offer environmental training courses in a variety of topics on our online environmental training portal, ranging from required training to big-picture topics. We're always adding new courses and updating available material, so if you don't see what you're looking for, check back soon! Or, drop us a line and suggest a new environmental training topic. We're always open to suggestions!

I need additional environmental training help!

If you’re in the role of a trainer or trainee, this might be a lot to take in. If you're overwhelmed, you're not alone. RMA has been actively involved in helping companies get environmental training since our founding in 1992. Long story short, we know the ins and outs of the environmental concerns industrial and commercial facilities face regarding environmental training and other regulatory concerns. We can help you get into compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations, ensuring your business stays out of trouble and in compliance.

Our staff members have been on-site at thousands of commercial and industrial operations across the country, so when we say we've seen it all and done it all, we mean it. We've provided environmental training to everyone, from globe-spanning, multi-national organizations to small "mom & pop" operations. No matter your size, industry, or location, we'd love to learn how we can help with your environmental training needs.

If you're having any type of issue at your operation with your environmental training program, need environmental training, or anything else, and need the help of an environmental consulting firm with a proven track record, reach out. Even if we can't help, we’ll do our best to steer you in the right direction. Feel free to contact us at info@rmagreen.com, click here to contact us, or give us a call anytime at 888-RMA-0230 to learn how we can help your operation deal with environmental regulations.