The Role of SPCC Training in Ensuring Data Center Environmental Compliance

Written By: Dennis Ruhlin | Jun 10, 2024

Time to Read 7 Minutes

The Role of SPCC Training in Ensuring Data Center Environmental Compliance

Learn Why Data Centers Really Do Need to Conduct SPCC Training Annually

Running a data center is no small feat. From power needs to staffing, customer demands to regulatory compliance, keeping a data center running smoothly is all about balancing performance, reliability, and sometimes, environmental compliance!

One key aspect that sometimes flies under the radar is your required annual SPCC (Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure) training. You might wonder, "How does SPCC training fit into the bigger picture?" or why simply "Why do I need to do this every year?"

Let’s explore how regular SPCC training plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance and ultimately efficiency in data center operations.

Why do data centers need SPCC training?

If you're reading this, then I don't need to explain what a data center is. However, you might be wondering why one data center versus the other may or may not need SPCC Training.

The answer is simple. Oil. And at a data center that usually means diesel fuel in emergency backup generators. A spill, however minor, can pose significant risks, not just to the environment but also to your facility’s safety and operations overall. Downtime? We all dread it - and with an SPCC Plan, and SPCC Training, you can do your best to prevent it. Simply put, SPCC training ensures your team knows how to prevent spills and respond effectively if they occur.

Shameless plug here - we offer an online SPCC training course tailored to data centers that can be completed in under an hour. It's a series of short, narrated videos that cover everything you need to know to stay in compliance. At the end, you'll recieve a certificate of completion serving as proof that you took annual training. If you're interested in exploring bulk pricing for your team, reach out to us! Okay, let's dive deeper.

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Your SPCC Plan Helps to Prevent Accidents Before They Happen

Imagine this: a minor oil leak from a generator goes unnoticed. Short term, it might not be the end of the world. Maybe it's dripping on a concrete pad at the rear of the parking lot. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

Not really. Over time, any leak or drip, big or small, could lead to a major spill, causing damage and operational disruptions. If you aren't aware of what an SPCC Plan is, or the dangers oil presents, then you might now know those drips or leaks are worth stressing over. Now imagine the same for your staff members. Now imagine if a client decides to audit your data center, and they spot the issue.

With an SPCC Plan, and by conducting SPCC Training, you'll learn to spot problems as they happen, and how to correctly fix things before they can spiral out of control, potentially impacting your business, or your customer's needs.

SPCC training emphasizes proactive measures, meaning regular inspections, scheduling proper maintenance, and effective containment strategies should a spill occur on-site. By preventing accidents before they happen, you safeguard your facility and the environment, and can help your operations run smoothly.

Employee Taking Data Center SPCC Training

SPCC Training is NOT just another checkmark on a list To-Do's (it kind of is).

You might think of SPCC training as just another compliance requirement (and in reality, it is), but it’s also so much more. It's a way to demonstrate to your staff, your community, and your clients, that you're prepared in case of an emergency. Your well-trained staff are not only better at handling spills but also at maintaining equipment and managing oil storage.

Think of how much of a hassle it is to deal with old equipment, no matter what industry you picture. Or, dealing with housekeeping issues at messy sites. Staying on top of requirements, SPCC Plan wise, means you can prevent little issues from snowballing out of control. Overall this means fewer incidents, less downtime, and more efficient operations.

No pun intended, but SPCC training helps keep your data center running like a well-oiled machine.

Building a Culture of SPCC Compliance

Regular SPCC training fosters a culture of safety and compliance within your organization. Just like anything else, practice makes perfect. When your data center team understands the importance of sticking to SPCC regulations (and they know how to implement them), it becomes second nature. And in an emergency situation, you want reflexes to be like second nature!

Computer for SPCC Training in Data Center

SPCC Training = Correctly Managing Compliance

Here's a short story that happened to us and a client a few years back. A data center had a weird oil spill issue - a vehicle, lost, drove into their parking lot, and ended up leaking a considerable amount of gasoline (turned out a vehicle had a nasty fuel leak).

What should the facility do? They thought "well it's not our vehicle, it's not our problem. But wait - it's on OUR property, it IS our problem - but what do we do? Who do we call? What comes next?" Unfortunately at the time, the facility didn't have an SPCC Plan, and hadn't received any training on spill reporting requirements or considerations. After a site visit by some state-level regulators looking into the spill, they, meaning the data center, realized they had a large hole in their compliance program and needed to address not only their own oil storage considerations but also figure out who and when to report oil spills. They needed an SPCC Plan!

Long story short, they hired us, got an SPCC Plan put in place, and after a few years of training, are truly experts in oil spill considerations at their facility. This real-world example shows how SPCC training can directly benefit your operations and reputation.

Let's Talk Training - Here's Why Our Annual SPCC Training Stands Out

If you've made it this far, then you know you need SPCC Training for your data center staff. The regulations state anyone who handles oil, which likely is minimal staff at your data center, needs SPCC Training.

However, your staff who's responsible for communications, overseeing fuel transfers, etc., should also be trained so they know how to respond in case of an emergency, and even simpler, what constitutes and emergency.

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Here's why our SPCC Training for data centers stands out from the rest.

  • Extensive Experience - Our staff has been on-site at dozens and dozens of data centers across the United States, Canada, and South America. While no two data centers are the same, we know what is vital to communicate to data center staff when it comes to SPCC Plans & overall compliance.
  • Customized Content for Data Centers - Watching SPCC Training is a great start, but watching industry-specific SPCC Training just makes for a more impactful training session. Your staff will only learn relevant information for your industry.
  • Interactive Learning - Let's face it, in this day in age webinars are boring and getting dozens of staff to attend a single webinar is almost impossible. Our modern form of training is an engaging series of narrated videos that can be viewed whenever, wherever - from any device.
  • Accessible - We've baked in both closed captioning and audio narration, ensuring everyone on your staff can get trained. Additionally, our online SPCC Training for data centers can be watched anywhere, anytime, on any internet-enabled device, at your, or your staff's, leisure. Our goal is to make getting your data center's SPCC Training accomplished as simple as possible.

Take the Next Step with SPCC Training at Your Data Center

Navigating the complexities of environmental regulations is crucial for any facility aiming to operate smoothly and efficiently. With RMA by your side, you can ensure your operations not only meet legal requirements but also run more effectively, saving you time and resources. Here at RMA, we're committed to supporting you every step of the way. Whether you’re starting a new SPCC project, refining an existing plan, or just need refresher training for you and your staff, our expert team is ready to help you achieve your environmental compliance goals and streamline your business operations.

Ready to take the next step? Drop us an email at, reach out through our contact page, or call us at 888-RMA-0230. Let's work together to overcome your environmental challenges and keep your business running smoothly.

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