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Mitigate risk and secure due diligence with our Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. Safeguard your real estate and land investments from environmental liabilities.
Ensuring environmental compliance while advancing towards sustainability goals.
Blending modern industry growth with established environmental compliance.
Expertly steering through dense environmental regulations for those on the water.
Expertly serving the concrete sector with deep industry-specific environmental insights.
Avoid costly pitfalls with comprehensive environmental due diligence for informed investments.
Navigate environmental standards effortlessly, ensuring smooth supply chain operations.
Written By: Doug Ruhlin | Jul 29, 2014
Time to Read 4 Minutes
A Phase I is a piece of protection on your investment. Whether you're refinancing, buying, a bank's making you do it, or you know the value, a Phase I shouldn't go to the low bidder.
Something about summer time always makes our phones ring off the hook with people calling in and asking about Phase ESAs. We call it the buying season. They invariably ask if we do them (yup, we sure do) and how much a Phase I ESA costs. The second question is a great one, because after working in this field for over 20 years, I've seen some scoundrels offering services for insane prices, both good and bad.
So of course understanding the price of something is the immediate question to ask. We all want to know what everything costs, both in our personal and business lives. The problem here with quickly estimating the price is there are a ton of variables that go into providing a price quote. So when someone calls and says "I need a Phase I ESA, how much?", it's our job to educate them on what they're getting, and the true value of it.
So let's suppose for a moment that instead of reading this blog, you were on the phone with me right now. You want a price quote. No problem! So you get a quote from me, and start comparing all your quotes, and start deciding who to hire. Like everything else in life, you get what you pay for, and when it comes to Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, if you pay for a cheap one, expect shoddy work.
Here's why we recommend you avoid going with the low bidder and avoid getting a cheap Phase I Environmental Site Assessment:
Consider this - a Phase I is an investment. It tells you a lot about the transaction you're about to make, including whether or not you even want to go through with the transaction at all!. A good Phase I is going to provide you with real safeguards should it be found your property has environmental issues. Just like everyone else, you don't want to waste your money, but there are some serious red flags with a cheap Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.
Think about it. If your car was broken, would you use the cheapest mechanic in town? If you were buying a house, would you get the cheapest home inspector possible? If you were sick, would you go to the cheapest doctor you could find? If you think like me, than I'm assuming the answer to all of them is no.
Bottom line is this - If all you’re concerned about is price, you’re likely going to get burned sooner or later. A cheap Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is not worth it.
My advice is find someone who understands the standards, and only uses qualified environmental professionals. You're going to want an organization that conducts their investigations and report preparation to ASTM standards. You're going to want an organization that has the experience and expertise to give you the information you need to protect yourself and your investment. You're going to want an organization with experience, integrity, and one you can trust.
So like I said, you get what you pay for. You want a cheap Phase I, you're going to get a cheap result. If you're looking for an environmental professional with experience and expertise, and are in the market for a Phase I, click here to contact us or give us a call at 609-693-8301 today.
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