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Written By: Dennis Ruhlin | Sep 17, 2015
Time to Read 8 Minutes
A good client of ours called me up the other day and had a great question. They had just rearranged some equipment and oil tanks around their site, and a light went on in their head. They immediately noticed their SPCC Plan didn't match their current site layout, and they wondered what to do. So she called our office and asked should we update our plan? Can we do this? What's the process here?
It's a great (and pretty simple) question, but the answer really depends on the specifics of your site.
In this case, yes she could update their plan herself, because they have the smallest, simplest plan, a Tier 1 Plan, and they really only moved two 275-gallon tanks around in their maintenance shop. Nothing big, nothing major, and she knew enough to change things correctly.
However, depending on your facility, this might not be an option, and I'll explain.
This is a pretty easy enough question with a pretty simple answer.
Update your plan when your site changes. What does that mean?
Now, for many of these I'm not talking about changing the entire plan. You may need to update a page or two. You may have to update your site map, or revise your contact information page. Check your plan carefully, and determine what needs to be changed. If you only need a few new pages, make note of that. Add a revision page to the end or beginning of the book so you can keep track of what's been changed over time.
Those are some basic reasons why you should update your plan, but the real question is can you do it yourself?
This answer is tough to pin down, and every site and every instance is different, but it usually boils down to one simple thing.
How serious of a change was made?
For instance:
Use your best judgment when it comes to making a change. Just keep it in the back of your mind that these plans are designed to help keep your facility and employees out of harm's way should an accident occur. If you can handle the change, go for it. You can also get help after the fact if you realize you're in over your head. To learn more about updating your plan, click here to contact us or call us at 609-693-8301 to discuss your needs today.
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