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Mitigate risk and secure due diligence with our Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. Safeguard your real estate and land investments from environmental liabilities.
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Written By: Doug Ruhlin | Jul 21, 2014
Time to Read 4 Minutes
We've got a phone call last week from a guy, he was somewhat confused about Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, and had a pretty simple question: "I have a Phase I ESA from two years ago that the seller provided. I can just use this one, right?"
Simply put, relying on an old Phase I is like relying on a report from your mechanic from 3 years ago. It doesn't make sense, isn't a good practice, and obviously, things can (and probably have) changed signfigantly.
A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is not just a checkbox to be marked off when you're dealing with property transactions, refinancing, or something similar. Using a report from someone you didn't hire, or using an old one, or using a cheap Phase I Environmental Site Assessment are all terrible ideas, and you'll regret (or end up paying for it on way or the other) as time goes on.
Here's the reasons I explained to the fellow on the phone that you can't rely on a Phase I ESA from someone else.
A prior Phase I Environmental Site Assessment might not help you if you later find contamination on the property or some other form of release to the environment. If you didn’t follow proper procedures, you can’t rely on a Phase I to claim you that you did your due diligence. You'll be be facing loss of property value, potential fines and penalties due to environmental contamination, and fees associated with cleaning up your mess. Yes, that's right. If your Phase I wasn't done up to current standards at the time, and contamination is found, it becomes your problem.
So do yourself a favor. Don’t rely on that old Phase I ESA. Get a copy of it, provide it to your new consultant as relevant background information, but don’t rely on it as your sole source of information. You have too much riding on it, financially and otherwise, to make that mistake. If you're shaky on understanding what the difference in an old vs. new Phase I Environmental Site Assessment means, click here to contact us, or give us a call at 609-693-8301 to learn how we can help.
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