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Written By: Doug Ruhlin | Apr 28, 2014
Time to Read 4 Minutes
When it comes to recycling in New Jersey, there's a lot to consider. From folks wondering how long it takes to get a recycling approval in New Jersey to the different classes of recyclable material, there's a lot to take in.
Regardless of the materials being recycled, we frequently see folks stumble over one part of their operation, and that's stormwater permits. For New Jersey recyclers, stormwater permits are a necessity, but because of confusing regulations, this is often a laborious process to accomplish.
The million dollar question many recyclers have is which NJPDES permit do I need? Which stormwater permit should I get?
It's a great question, since New Jersey has a pretty complicated array of NJPDES permits available to recycling and other facilities. The wrong choice of NJ stormwater permits can mean the difference between a violation or fine from the NJDEP by adhering to an unnecessarily complicated and expensive permit. Conversely, the right permit makes things less painful for your recycling facility.
Deciding which New Jersey stormwater permit your recycling center needs isn't the world's most challenging task, but it is one that takes some expertise and finessing.
Here's the most important things to consider when you're evaluating which stormwater permit you'll need at your New Jersey recycling center.
The type (in this case, class) of recycling operation make a huge difference.
For example, there's a sizeable difference between a Class D consumer electronics recycling center that's located entirely indoors versus a sprawling Class B & C recycling center spread across a dozen acres.
Understanding that your facility may or may not fall under one class or type of general stormwater permit will help you understand that there's different options to consider.
The NJDEP has created a few industry-specific stormwater permits for operations here in New Jersey. These industry-specific permits are created with recyclers in mind, and theoretically make the entire stormwater process simpler.
The industry specific NJPDES stormwater permits are:
The NJDEP wrote these NJPDES permits because they don’t think you can meet the requirements of the Basic General Permit, and they’d rather see you in a general permit than an Individual Permit. Like it or not, these are probably your best bet. Remember, you can always opt for an Individual Permit if you can’t meet the constraints of these recycling industry-specific stormwater permits.
Let's assume you aren't covered under an industry specific permit. If that's the case, then you really have two options.
If you're located entirely indoors (and I mean 100% entirely inside a building) then you could use the 5G2 Basic Industrial Stormwater General Permit. We see this a lot with electronics recycling in New Jersey. Bear in mind, this NJPDES permit is only usable if your completely indoors, and that is strictly enforced.
But let's say your outside. What if you're operating that dozen acre sized Class B & C recycling center I mentioned above? If that's the case, you'll need an Individual Stormwater Permit. As you might be able to guess, and individual stormwater permit is specifically created for individual facilities. So, if your operation doesn't fit into any sort of other applicable permit, or there's extenuating reasons why you can't use an industry specific permit, you'll end up getting covered under an Individual Stormwater Permit at your New Jersey recycling center.
I'm not referring to multiple types of recycling centers, but rather multi-use locations.
Some permits allow multiple uses to co-exist on the same site. There are stormwater permits which presently allow for multiple uses, including recycling uses, to co-exist under the same permit. For example, this could include the R13 Mining & Quarrying Activities Stormwater General Permit (also called the “aggregate stormwater permit”), which presently covers co-located facilities recycling concrete, asphalt, wood, and similar materials.
Getting the right – and best – NJPDES stormwater permit for your recycling facility in New Jersey is critical in today’s tough regulatory climate. We’ve been helping NJ recyclers get the best possible stormwater permit for over 20 years, and we can answer most any questions you have regarding NJPDES stormwater permitting options for recycling facilities in New Jersey. The difference between the right choice and the wrong can be night and day.
If you're looking for more information or guidance on New Jersey stormwater permits for your recycling facility, click to contact us or call us at 609-693-8301 to discuss your NJPDES stormwater permitting needs.
Tags: New Jersey Recycling Permits, New Jersey Recycling Exemptions, New Jersey Environmental Services, New Jersey Stormwater Permits
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